Verbs 5th and 6th

Verbs: from MAKE to RUN
Underline each verb
Write sentences for each verb and write a comment.

No podemos olvidar los verbos... subraya los verbos desde make a run. Escribe una oración en pasado con casa verbo y dejala en comentarios.

Ademas completa el siguiente TEST:

7 comentarios:

  1. Marcos Fernández Fuertes 6ºPrimaria Aula: Corias.
    I made the homework yesterday.
    I meant one thing.
    I met the treasure.
    I paid the jacket.
    I put the cd´s.
    I read a book.
    I rode in the taxi.
    I rang to my friend.
    I rose to the mountain.
    I ran in the race.
    Graciela en la hoja que nos diste de verbos el participio del verbo ride está puesto con dos "d" y en la actividad del test pone con una "d". Cual es la correcta??

    1. well done Marcos!!!!!!!
      Muy bien hecha tu tarea!!!!sigue así.
      Correct this:
      I rode by taxi
      Ridden... hay una opción para marcar.

  2. Marta Barrero Aizpurua. Trones, 6ª
    I made my breakfast
    I meant to say
    I met my cousin
    I paid the food
    I put the sweater
    I read the magazine
    I rode a horse
    I rang with my grandmother
    I rose a enormous rock
    I ran yesterday

    Graciela en en el test de los verbos que nos enviaste la respuesta numero cinco no coincide.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Pelayo Fernández Marcos
    I made homework.
    My mum meant somethin.
    My father met his boss.
    I paid the account.
    I put the book in my room.
    I read a book.
    I rode the bus.
    My mother rang me.
    I rose the bike.
    I ran the marathon.

  5. WELL DONE Pelayo. Teacher Graciela

    Correct this:
    2- something
    7- I rode by bus.
